Sunday, April 18, 2010

Make your own luck

I sent an email to a friend on FaceBook who commented on the fact that I had written a book. She said she had several books floating around in her head, and, I got the impression, she was not seriously considering doing anything about it. I told her she needed to write down what was in her head if she is serious about it. I tried to get the point across that I was serious about writing, and had taken nearly two years to do my own little book. I sent her a copy of the synopsis I sent to the literary agent I was trying to get to market my book to publishers. It is not the Great American Novel or an epic like "War and Peace." It is only a little book about Jewish twins separated at birth whose lives took drastically different paths. Its title says a lot about the contents: Double Trouble on Corned Beef Row.
Right now, it is in the hands of a publisher who is reviewing it. I won't know for a couple of weeks if it will pass into print or not, but the point is that I did it. I didn't let it remain just an idea. I put it down in writing. I wrote, and I re-wrote until it was what it is. Finished. An entity held in electronic files, but nevertheless, an entity. It may or may not ever go further than that, but I am glad to say that the satisfaction of finishing the project is its own reward. If there are any aspiring writers out there in blog land, go to it and do it. Make your dream come true. If nothing else, you can enjoy the journey. To paraphrase the old saying, "A book of 1000 pages begins with the first word." Don't wait until you are 70, like me, to start.

1 comment:

  1. Hello-- I am your first follower. I like finding blogs where I can be the first one. Good luck with your trials and tribs in the world of publishing.

    I too am a late starter at 59. Been writing for years but always busy working. Last year I lost my management job of 30 odd years and am still unemployed. Figured that between sending resumes this would be a good time to start writing.

    Check out my blog if you would. On the sidebar of my page you will see some links to some other fine bloggers who are in varying stages of our same journey. You might like to check some of them out and see if you'd like to be a part of this friendly and helpful community. If you do visit my site, I wouldn't mind at all if you became a follower. There have been some very interesting things happening at my site that you might want to explore.

    Good blogging to you!
    A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post
